Thursday, February 11, 2010

Keith Hannah

Army of Darkness vs. Lord of the Rings

Keith's PowerPoint over Army of Darkness and Lord of the Rings was very good and very interesting. I like how he used a hero different from what everyone else used. He used Argorn. There were many good points that compared Ash (the hero in Army of Darkness) and Argorn (the hero in Lord of the Rings). Both heroes are brave, tactical, and want the best for the world around them. I think it is really good that the story takes place in today's world and 700 years ago. The Evil Necromicon is a book that Ash goes back to find which is the quest of the whole movie. The Themes of both movies is to save the world so these two movies had a few things in common. This was a very nice PowerPoint. : )

Reece Massey

Iron Man vs. Lord of the Rings

Like Keith's move Reece's heroes also have a lot of the same traits brave, determined, smart, and selfless. The sub heroes also are a lot alike, Pepper pots is the sub hero from Iron Man and Sam is the sub hero from Lord of the Rings. They both give a ton of emotional support and help save the hero's life multiple times. The valors in both films are numerous battles, battles, and betrayal. This PowerPoint was really cool and it kept my attention. Reece did a very good job of going deeper into his information making me really want to see Iron Man.


Harry Potter vs. Lord of the Rings

In Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings the quest is to destroy something very evil. In Harry Potter the evil thing they are trying to destroy is Voldemort and in The Lord of the Rings The Ring is what Frodo is trying to destroy. In Each movie of both series the hero gets a little bit closer to completing the quest. Both films had a huge setting featuring just about every element on earth. These two films also have many supernatural forces from wizards to spells. There are different languages in both movies as well, Harry Potter has Parseltongue, which is the language of the snakes, and The Lord of the Rings has Elvish, which is the language of the elves. The guides in both Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings are best friends, wizards, and members of Phoenix Order or the fellowship. Harry Potter is very much like The Lord of the Rings, but they are still very different. Good job Justine

Tuesday, February 9, 2010