Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I chose two photographs out of the Pulitzer Prize Winning Photograph book. One is The Little Red Wagon and Death (48). The reason this photo grabbed me first of all was the image. A body covered by a sheet in the middle of the road and a crushed wagon. The wagon told me right away it was a child. A police is standing over him taking notes and the rest of the world is going on with their lives. Next I read the story behind the image. The police was there just minutes before about to tell the child to watch out, but the kid stepped back onto the sidewalk. The police went on only moments later to hear about a child being hit by a garbage truck. The image is important because sometimes people just assume things will be alright when really you have to make sure they work out. Things could have happened differently, but they didn't, now we have to live with that.
The second photo I chose was Bangkok's Nasty Politics (119). This photograph caught my eye first because there were children huddled around two other children being hung. Second because they were killing them! There are two parties here the leftist and the rightists, the leftists are being beaten by chairs and poles by the rightists. The reasoning behind this is political beliefs. There are children here that would only come up to my hip, front row, laughing. This is important because if adults can't learn to live amongst other peoples view on the world, then how can we expect things to be better when our future, the children, are just as bad off as the adults.


I think that the actual photograph of a man dying in war being shown is not necessary. The family of the soldier does not want the whole world to see the photo. I don't think it should be published. It would only be disrespectful to the family, and to the man, to publish it. After reading the article from The Joplin Post, that didn't have the photograph posted, I understood well enough what happened from the words that I didn't need to see the moment. In my opinion the photo does not need to be posted.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Photo Manipulation

This is a photo of Condoleezza Rice manipulated to make her look evil or demonic. When USA Today was asked about this photograph they said that it was completely and accident. What had happened was when they made the blurry effect on the background it covered here face as well, so when they went to sharpen that up it messed with her eyes. Obviously this is a complete and total lie. Condi, A photoshop user of five years, said that there is no effect on photoshop 5.5 that could have done this. This was done on purpose. Not only did they make the white of her eyes whiter, but they narrowed her irises, making her eyes look cat-like.
This was such a big deal because earlier a cartoonist made a comic that made her sound unintelligent. Rice was said to agree withe everything President Bush said, so when he said there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq she was right there behind him. Later when it was found that were were no weapons of mass destruction she said she didn't know anything about them. In the comic there is a reference to the movie Gone with the Wind said by a black actress, "I don't know nuthin' 'bout birthin' babies." This is because in the 1930's a black actor/actress could not have an intelligent role in a movie. This is racist making it wrong.