Thursday, September 3, 2009

Photo Manipulation

This is a photo of Condoleezza Rice manipulated to make her look evil or demonic. When USA Today was asked about this photograph they said that it was completely and accident. What had happened was when they made the blurry effect on the background it covered here face as well, so when they went to sharpen that up it messed with her eyes. Obviously this is a complete and total lie. Condi, A photoshop user of five years, said that there is no effect on photoshop 5.5 that could have done this. This was done on purpose. Not only did they make the white of her eyes whiter, but they narrowed her irises, making her eyes look cat-like.
This was such a big deal because earlier a cartoonist made a comic that made her sound unintelligent. Rice was said to agree withe everything President Bush said, so when he said there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq she was right there behind him. Later when it was found that were were no weapons of mass destruction she said she didn't know anything about them. In the comic there is a reference to the movie Gone with the Wind said by a black actress, "I don't know nuthin' 'bout birthin' babies." This is because in the 1930's a black actor/actress could not have an intelligent role in a movie. This is racist making it wrong.