Thursday, October 29, 2009

Carnival of the Souls

Carnival of souls was made by a crew of only five people because of this everyone had do play more than one role in the making of the movie like the director also being the custodian. The budget was only seventeen thousand dollars and because of this none of the serious companies would even look at it. Carnival of Souls was made because this guy got an idea of dead people dancing in an abandoned outside ballroom and the story formed around it. When this first came out in 1962 most children and young adults liked it, but the older adults weren't fans of it. Since the older adults didn't enjoy this movie it wasn't a good seller. Later on the movie was featured in best movies of the 60's and 70's, and shown on occasions on television. Carnival of Souls started being followed more and more and was finally let out in theaters almost thirty years later. The writer of this movie said, “Everybody gets ideas but what matters is when they get the idea." I think this means that a writer has to wait until the people are ready for the idea.