Tuesday, May 25, 2010


This year we got our word out to the world though many different medias. First we made blogs and filled it with blogs, photography, pod casts, short films, epics, vlogs, digital nation, youtube, and how the media communicates with us. Coming into this classroom on the first day of school I already knew that the media had some control over what we bought and how we lived our lives. I didn’t, however, know just how much control they have.

Something I was most interested in this year was the youtube and digital nation section. It sort of amazed me how so many people opened up to the world through a web cam, a blog, and chat rooms. I think because I was most interested in this that I was a better learner. When we did our epic section though I was most distant as a learner because it seemed to drag on and never end. I became bored with it and no longer interested in it. If we could have done things differently I think that we should have started off with how the media communicates with us instead of putting it in the end.

I think that is what the class should have been about and later brought in getting our own message out. I think it would have been cool to being in making our own short films more. We should have gotten into that and dug down deep, studied how to plan, how to film, and how to edit these movies. Again I think we should have really cut down on the epic movie. Maybe next year pick out a single epic movie and work on that for many two weeks and then move on.

Media literacy is the process of analyzing, evaluating, and creating mass media in an assertive and non-passive way. We need to be able to do this so that we can choose how to live our life on our own terms and not on the terms of four huge businesses. Over all it was a good year, and I did like the class. Just a few minor tweaks and it would have been loads better though. I also think that next year the class should work on talking together as a whole and not beat each other down until no one even cared about it anymore. Leave some room to think and to let other’s get their idea across as well.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

book vlog

Monday, May 10, 2010

Food Inc.

This movie was very interesting to me. Basically our food is controlled by a small group of people. These people are doing anything it takes to make our food grow faster and bigger while keeping it cheap. Why keep it cheap? They have to keep it cheap because we "vote" with our checkbook. The animals that we eat for food are kept in horrible conditions and are given hormones to make them grow faster and bigger than they should. It's not just our meats that they control. They control out vegetables too. They can actually own a seed because their product has gotten into a personal seed. They control our farmers with this.

How do we avoid and keep this from continuing to happen? Well there are a number of things that can be done. We can grow our own food. We can buy from local farmers and butchers. We can also stop voting with our check and pay more for organic foods. The companies we buy from do hear us. By not buying the unhealthy food the companies will be forced to adapt to what we want if they want to make money. By eating the unhealthy foods we are paying less for them, but we are paying for them with medical bills. I dare you to send a letter, to stop buying this junk, or to sign petitions. The companies see this. They hear this. And they will eventually be forced to listen.

Monday, April 5, 2010

digital nation blog

Living Faster

*** One thing that was talked about in the living faster section of digital nation is the fact that technology is causing teens to lose empathy for others. They came to this conclusion because on a field trip to the zoo the children were looking at turtles. The turtle was not really doing anything so a young boy suggested they put in a robot turtle. They took this as the boy didn't value the turtles life. I think this is completely obscured because the boy just wanted to watch something he wasn't telling them to like get rid of the turtle or anything. I think that this some over analyzed. Another thing that was spoken about was multitasking and the fact that people can't sit and concentrate on one thing they have to have a zillion things going on at once. I agree with this but we are a generation that needs a fast pace. When I am doing homework I personally have my radio on, facebook up, instant messenger going, and youtube playing all at the same time. I've learned how to give attention to each thing separately yet all at the same time.


*** This section explained how video games are changing the way people learn. They said that there are two schools now, the school where you learn English and arithmetic, and then the school where you collaborate and complete different tasks. Both of these "schools" are giving one skills that will help them in their later life. They both give one skills that make them an asset to companies.


*** The Internet gives people the ability to have their own little part of the world where they can say whatever they want. It has turned into the kid's way of communication. Teens connect to each other through facebook, myspace, instant messengers, and chat rooms. With all this freedom comes something that isn't so good, cyberbullies. Cyberbullies have come in different forms there is the anonymous way of doing it and then there's putting your name to it. Being cyberbullied can be a hard thing because on the Internet you're allowed to put your real self out there without being judged and the next thing you know someone is judging you and teasing or bullying you. The people on digital nation say, " Stop. Block. Tell." Don't let these bullies get to you and then stop them from getting to anybody else.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Vlog 3

vlog 4

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Keith Hannah

Army of Darkness vs. Lord of the Rings

Keith's PowerPoint over Army of Darkness and Lord of the Rings was very good and very interesting. I like how he used a hero different from what everyone else used. He used Argorn. There were many good points that compared Ash (the hero in Army of Darkness) and Argorn (the hero in Lord of the Rings). Both heroes are brave, tactical, and want the best for the world around them. I think it is really good that the story takes place in today's world and 700 years ago. The Evil Necromicon is a book that Ash goes back to find which is the quest of the whole movie. The Themes of both movies is to save the world so these two movies had a few things in common. This was a very nice PowerPoint. : )

Reece Massey

Iron Man vs. Lord of the Rings

Like Keith's move Reece's heroes also have a lot of the same traits brave, determined, smart, and selfless. The sub heroes also are a lot alike, Pepper pots is the sub hero from Iron Man and Sam is the sub hero from Lord of the Rings. They both give a ton of emotional support and help save the hero's life multiple times. The valors in both films are numerous battles, battles, and betrayal. This PowerPoint was really cool and it kept my attention. Reece did a very good job of going deeper into his information making me really want to see Iron Man.


Harry Potter vs. Lord of the Rings

In Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings the quest is to destroy something very evil. In Harry Potter the evil thing they are trying to destroy is Voldemort and in The Lord of the Rings The Ring is what Frodo is trying to destroy. In Each movie of both series the hero gets a little bit closer to completing the quest. Both films had a huge setting featuring just about every element on earth. These two films also have many supernatural forces from wizards to spells. There are different languages in both movies as well, Harry Potter has Parseltongue, which is the language of the snakes, and The Lord of the Rings has Elvish, which is the language of the elves. The guides in both Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings are best friends, wizards, and members of Phoenix Order or the fellowship. Harry Potter is very much like The Lord of the Rings, but they are still very different. Good job Justine

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010