Monday, May 10, 2010

Food Inc.

This movie was very interesting to me. Basically our food is controlled by a small group of people. These people are doing anything it takes to make our food grow faster and bigger while keeping it cheap. Why keep it cheap? They have to keep it cheap because we "vote" with our checkbook. The animals that we eat for food are kept in horrible conditions and are given hormones to make them grow faster and bigger than they should. It's not just our meats that they control. They control out vegetables too. They can actually own a seed because their product has gotten into a personal seed. They control our farmers with this.

How do we avoid and keep this from continuing to happen? Well there are a number of things that can be done. We can grow our own food. We can buy from local farmers and butchers. We can also stop voting with our check and pay more for organic foods. The companies we buy from do hear us. By not buying the unhealthy food the companies will be forced to adapt to what we want if they want to make money. By eating the unhealthy foods we are paying less for them, but we are paying for them with medical bills. I dare you to send a letter, to stop buying this junk, or to sign petitions. The companies see this. They hear this. And they will eventually be forced to listen.